3.4 Create a post with images


To create a post with an image you have to create a new post in the same way you would do with a post with text.

Click on “Posts” and “Add New Post” in your Folio menu.

Click on “Add Media.”

If you have previously uploaded images to the media library, you will find them in this space. Files can be organized by type to find them more quickly.

To create a post with an image or video for the first time or using an image or video that is not in your media library, click “Upload files.”

Once you’ve uploaded a file, you can add information about it to make it easier to find in the future. You can rename it and create categories.

You will also be able to make two more specific modifications.

One has to do with where the material will link to (i.e. where it will lead if you click on the image). You can choose between the detailed view of the image, an external website, or nowhere at all.

You can also select the desired image size for the uploaded material. This element is important as it will determine the quality of the image that will be seen once the material is published.

Once you have finished entering the file information and selecting the size, click on “Insert into input”.

The image will be displayed in the “Add new post” space. The image displayed in this space does not represent the final appearance of the post. To preview the image, click on “Preview” and see how it will look once published.

Please note that the word preview has been added to the browser bar. This means that you are in preview mode and the post has not yet been published.

To finish, just click on “Publish” and your post will be finished.