The first step to start using Folio is to activate it.
As you’ll see below, we’ll show you how to activate Folio using the Folio widget you’ll find on your Virtual Campus, but first we’ll start by briefly explaining what a widget is and what it does.
What is a widget and what does it do?
A widget is a small application or program that is designed to facilitate access to those most used functions. The main feature is that it integrates into the campus, thus offering visual information without the need to run anything else.
What will the Folio widget be for?
In just over two minutes and following the steps we recommend below, you will have direct access to your Folio.
Installing the widget on campus will make it easy for you to do three of the most common Folio actions:
- Visit the home page of your personal Folio.
- Create a new ‘post’
- Access the desktop to be able to adjust your personal space.
How to activate the widget in four steps:
1) Enter the campus with your username and password.

2) A la vostra dreta hi trobareu una funció anomenada Afegeix informació, que us permetrà introduir alguns widgets interessants al Campus Virtual, entre els quals trobareu Folio.
3) Un cop localitzat heu de fer un clic a Posa-l’hi.

4) Now you can go back to campus and check that the Folio widget has been added automatically. From now on you can access the Folio desktop, create a new entry or manage your Folio with just one click.