To create custom menus you have to access the administration area of the Agora: «Desktop». To do this you have to be connected to the campus and access the dark grey top bar, inside “My places” (name of your Folio) and select «Dashboard».

Once in the Folio admin area, hover your mouse pointer over the ‘Appearance‘ option and a sub-menu will open to the right. Click on “Menus” and then on “Add items“.
To create a new menu add the title and click on «Create menu» on the right.

Once the menu is created, you can add whatever elements you want, such as pages, entries, links, etc. They can be external links, links to other pages of the Ágora or to categories of the Ágora.
Select the desired item in the menu on the left and click on “Add“. To add pages to the menu, make sure they are not in private mode or they will not be listed for selection and you will not be able to include them in the menu. For more information on visibility types, click here.
Once the item is added to the menu, it will appear in the central area. Once you have selected all the items you want to appear in the menu, save them by clicking on “Save menu” on the right.
If you have included more than one item in the menu, you can arrange the order by hovering over them. The mouse arrow will turn into a cross with arrows at the ends, allowing you to move the element to the desired position, as in any drag and drop action (click on the element and hold it until that has moved where you want). Don’t forget to click “Save” every time you make changes.