Choose the visibility of the entries
ActiFolio is the tool that will allow you to choose the different types of permits. The «Publish» menu allows you to choose the type of visibility of Folio publications. If you already know WordPress, you will see that the “Publish an posts” section, although it maintains the same elements, contains new levels of publication. By choosing one type of visibility or another, you will decide who has access to the entries. In Folio you can choose between six types of visibility:

Public. This content will be available to everyone, outside and inside the UOC, it does not require you to be registered on campus. It is an open publication that can be accessed by anyone, so you must take into account the copyright of the materials you use, if they are not your own creations, and cite the sources well. For more information on copyright and author’s rights, read the final section of this page.
Password. By selecting this type of visibility, the post will only be accessible to users with a password. The people with whom the link is shared do not need to be part of the WordPress community or the UOC. Keep in mind that the link you send may be shared with more people, so the same care should be taken with intellectual property as with the public mode.
Campus. This content will be visible to all people who are part of the UOC community. Anyone with access to the campus will be able to see the publication: students, teaching staff, management team and collaborators.
Classroom. Content published with this type of visibility will only be accessible to classmates and teaching staff. The content is published in the personal space, but it is also visible in the Agora of the classroom, so that you can see, share and comment on your creations and content. To do this you will need to tag the activity with an ActiFolio category.
Instructors. With this modality, the teaching staff of the subject is allowed to see the publications, but colleagues and any other person from inside or outside the UOC will not be able to access them.
Private. By selecting this type of visibility, the content will only be visible to you.
Adjust the visibility of the pages
If you publish a page you will notice that the permissions differ slightly from when it comes to publishing an post. This is why the pages are not shared with the authors.
Therefore, check the permissions of:
- Public: resources available to everyone in the region.
- Password protected: You will need a password to access it.
- Campus: only UOC users will be able to access it.
- Private: only the creator of the page.

The intellectual property and public visibility of the entries
Intellectual property encompasses everything related to copyright or author’s rights. Intellectual property encompasses creations with registered authors without publication permission and use, which is contact with the author and permission to write for further publication (if an economic disbursement is required). On the Internet you can find many free materials to use and reuse that have been published under the Creative Commons license (CC, https://creativecommons.org/about/), that is, they can be used without permission, but mention the font. There are various repositories and libraries of CC-licensed materials that you can freely use.
How can you know if a material can be used? The simplest is to search for the materials in the repositories and specialized books, with clear license. Resources can be obtained from the CC if it is an advanced fence in the main fences and the type of license that is to be purchased is indicated. An interesting resource is https://search.creativecommons.org/.